As much as I had no clue that I would ever do it, I just recently, I became a Mary Kay lady! is my website if you or anyone you know is interested in their fabulous products or becoming a consultant. I've always loved the products, but I'm also excited about the positive atmosphere I stepped into when I attended the past couple of Mary Kay trainings. I also had no idea of the career possibilities with MK, and was inspired by meeting directors, particularly my director Kimberly, who is a Mary Kay millionaire!
Even though there have been many occasions when I've wanted to run downstairs and hug the neighbors below me for their song playlist, I had no idea as to what extent their awesomeness was. I had only briefly encountered one of the roommates who recently moved out. Saturday night I got a knock at my door, and it was the other one that I hadn't met yet. He invited me to his new roommate's housewarming party, and I went! It was so nice to finally meet him, his new roommate, and meet more new people. In fact, at least 5 of the attendees said that they are going to come to Phantom!
Yesterday we had our first full run of Phantom, and it went well! We open in a week and a half....crazy! One of the performances is sold out, and tickets are continuing to fly. Tomorrow morning on WGN Morning news from 7-9 AM, our production will be featured, which I've heard will boost ticket sales even more. I'll be on my way to work right around then, so I won't be on TV with them...BUT that shouldn't stop you from watching it ;).
Today is Sofia's/Alexander's/my 3 month anniversary! It's Alexander's spring break this week, so we were able to celebrate together by going to the Shedd Aquarium. I think I learned the most this time that I went, because I took more time than usual to read the signs and teach the kids about the exhibits. In spite of the bitter cold pouring rain and running together through it to get to the aquarium, we had a blast!!
Speaking of bitter cold rain....I had to scrape snow off of my car yesterday. I thought I was dreaming when I woke up to whiteness outside...