Friday, May 6, 2011

Opening night.

After surviving a tire blow out on the way to opening night of Phantom and making it to the theatre in just enough time to run in and have such caring fellow cast members help throw on my costume, opening weekend began. Ah, I love a theatre full of live feedback!

This is the first show I've had a headshot and bio in the program, a mic, more than 2 costumes (I have 4!), and that runs more than 3 shows (we still have 5 more performances!).

My family made a quick trip to visit! They were able to see Saturday evening's performance, and some of what we enjoyed together includes the Lincoln Park Zoo, Giordanos, and Millennium Park. Loved seeing them again, BUT it won't be long until I'm making a trip to NC. Oh! My aunt Melissa and Uncle Stuart were able to make it from Indiana to see Phantom, to

Last week, more bits of green and flowers have started to appear, and the city is looking so much lovelier! The weather is finally beginning to be no-coat weather. :)

Newsflash: Sofia doesn't call me "mama" that much anymore--she is beginning to call me "Re". Haha.

Until next time!